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Python McDonald's Nutrition Facts

What are the healthiest food options on the McDonald's nutrition menu? Which items are the least healthy?

Reading the data

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What the dataset looks likes

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Getting rid of null values and duplicates

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Which category is consumed the most?

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What are the average calories per section?

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section calories.png

Average protein per section.

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Average carbohydrates per section.

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Average Sodium per section

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Average Cholesterol per section

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Average total fat per section

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Top 5 lowest calorie items per section

Breakfast items
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Beef & Pork Items
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Chicken & Fish Items
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Smoothies & Shakes Items
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Snacks and Sides Items
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Meals to avoid on a standard 2000-calorie diet.

Each meal will average no more than 666.7 calories (2000.1 calories a day) if the calories are spread out evenly. This only takes into account calories. Calories are not the only determining factor on food you should avoid, but calorie management is one of the most important.

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Sections that are highest in saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, and total fat.

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Sections that are the highest in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Iron, Calcium, and Dietary Fiber

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Is there are correlation between Cholesterol and Calories from Fat?

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Each sections top 5 foods that you should avoid due to being high in calories, cholesterol, sodium, saturated fat, total fat, and sugars.

This section is if you are worried about your overall health instead of just weight loss or weight maintenance.

Breakfast Items

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Beverage Items

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Chicken & Fish

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Smoothies & Shakes

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